Sign up for a free world

What a great moment this is.

You take the  time and effort in informing yourself how to become a part of the free world.


It's a strange concept, becoming part of the free world.

Simply because we're alive, makes us a part of this world.

When the free world is reality, so will we all be part of this free world.


But we're not there yet.

We don't life in a free world.

It's still a fantasy, but now we can make it a reality.


We will create a free world.

A world where every individual can live its life in freedom,

with respect for the freedom of others and the surroundings.


To change the world into a free world we need the support of humanity.

We know that at least 90 % of humanity has the wish to live in a free world.

That's why it's vital that we unite .

Now we are divided by all the inhumane structures and systems.

We aren't aware of our common wish to be free.


By joining humanitybefree you'll make this happen.

You can tell your friends and family that when the opportunity came along, you did the right thing.

You gave humanity a chance. 


Let’s walk this road together.

Together we stand strong, so we can make the necessary changes,

to realize what humanity is searching for since we set foot on this planet.


The meaning of your life.


A free society, till now, is an illusion.

By becoming a part of Humanitybefree, you choose to take matters into your own hands.

To create a society where everyone can experience their lives in freedom.

Our voices will be heard, a voice screaming out freedom for all mankind.


We’re going to take our words into action.

That’s why we ask every participant to donate every month 10 euro, so we can start building the foundation of the free society.

This is voluntarily, but we trust that our participants know their responsibility.


When you become a member,


  • You’re one of the pioneers of the free world.
  • You can vote on ideas or submit new ideas.
  • You can register as active member.
  • You have access to all the projects.


But most of all you can call yourself

a part of the free world.



Now it's time for the most important moment.

It's time to register.

We can do nothing if we don't unite. 

If we don't we will be in this treadmill forever.

So don't take this lightly and think.

Do you want to life in a free world.

Than make the choice and register.


In freedom we unite.

Together we are free.