The Free World

How does it look like. That's impossible to say.

7 Billion people who are free to be who they want to be.

All different individuals with their unique qualities.

You'll will have to be the greatest psychic ever lived to show a glimpse.


I know this will be very disappointing to many people.

That's no problem, it only means that they don't understand the concept of freedom.

Everything can happen, it 's up to us what to do with all the opportunities.

And even when we choose how a free world should look like.

The next generation will probably have other views.

The free world will never stop to evolve, it's the nature of a free world.


What we can do, is building the foundation for the free world.

We have to realize that we have to start building this foundation from scratch.


A free world is a world where every individual can life their lives in freedom,

with respect for the freedom of others and the surroundings.


To be able to live your life in freedom you need your first necessities.

When you don't, you go in survival mode and freedom isn't an option.

You can only be free when your survival is guaranteed.


That means that a free world will provide you with,


  • Clean air.
  • Clean water.
  • Good food.
  • Clothes.
  • Shelter.
  • Healthcare.
  • Energy.


Let's start with these subjects to give you an idea.

To guarantee the freedom of every individual in the world we have to think global to achieve this.

We're talking about a free world, and not about a free country.

That means that the foundation of a free world doesn't acknowledge any border.

It's not in the best intrest of the freedom of humanity.



Basic income.


We have to provide every individual on this planet their first necessities.

We can't do that in goods, that would be a logistic nightmare and impossible.

We can do that in the form of money, although you can also call it energy points.

But to make it more understandable to ourselves, let's call it money.


Everybody in this world, the moment we enter it, gets a basic income so their survival is guaranteed.

With this money you can buy your first necessities.

You can choose how, but you will never have to worry about your first necessities.


I know I can add a number to this basic income, but that' irrelevant.

Know that it is enough for your first necessities and a little more.

Resource Based Economy



That raises the question how our economy would look like.


We have to built a foundation that will guarantee everybody's freedom.

So let's start from scratch.


A free world has the philosophy that the world belongs to all of us.

We can't own any part of the world. 

We are here a short time and have the obligation to hand it over to our next generation in well being.

If the world belongs to all of us, so do all the resources.


To put it in plain words, we will create a Resource Based Economy.

You can value resources and with the proceeds you can create all the necessities in the world.

Off course everything in the best intrest of the freedom of humanity.


So, we as humanity, have the power to create the world so each individual can be free.

We as humanity will take care of that.


With our basic income we will finance our first necessities.

All the components of the foundation will be financed that way.

All the things that benefit all of us, our first necessities, will be excluded from profit.

It's not in the best interest of us when we make things more expensive,

because somebody wants to make a lot of money at the expense of something we all need.


Then we will have the profitable (free) market. 

Their you will find people and companies who will offer you goods and services with the intent to make money.

That will be a free market with the only restriction that their efforts will respect the freedom of the people and the surroundings.

When they do, only the imagination of the individual will stand in the way.


So we will have a non profitable section, that will provide for our first necessities, and we will have a profitable section.


Our current economy is so difficult that nobody really understands it anymore.

In a free world our economy is simple.


To provide everybody a basic income we have to send it to them.

We have a financial department where everybody who lives has an account.

On that account you'll receive your basic income.

Now you can start spending your money en make sure you survive.

This department doesn't charge intrest and doesn't give intrest.


Work is a way to make more money then your basic income.

To ensure our free world we need people who will take care of that.

To thank them for their efforts we reward them with a salary.

The commercial market also needs people, that opens a lot of opportunities for a lot of people.


When you want to create a business with the intent to make money,

you will have to think first of the golden rule of the free world.

Does my business respect the freedom of the people and the surroundings.

When you honestly can say yes to that question, there's nobody who will stand in your way.


How you run your business is your business as long as you understand the golden rule.

Be aware that in a free world an employee is a free person and likes to be treated that way.

That will bring a completely new power structure between employer and employee.


The financial department also gives businesses the opportunity to open an account, 

so they can do business on the same terms as the people do.

At this moment all the financial transactions will be done by financial department.

This all to keep it simple and cheap.

First necessities


To make sure we all get our first necessities we made some choices.

We came to the understanding that we as humanity

had to respect nature to ensure ourselves of our first necessities.


Clean air department.


Clean air is very easy to provide, just don't mess with it.

The free world doesn't allow any form of air pollution,

it's not in the best intrest of humanity and nature itself.

We use every technique available to maintain clean air.

We need people who will take care of this.

We pay them with a part of our basic income.

Their are no material costs, because they are free for non profitable needs.


Clean water department


Clean water is everywhere and where it isn't we can make it come.

The free world managed to provide every individual acces to clean drinking water.

We use every technique available to keep the clean water running.

We need people who will take care of this.

We pay them with a part of our basic income.

There are no material costs, because they are free for non profitable needs.


Food department


In the free world we have created a system where we can globally manage the food creation and distribution.

We have the techniques and the capability to feed the whole world.

To help us create all that food and distribute it all over the world we need a lot of people.

We pay those people with a part of our basic income.

There  are no material costs, unless it's being used for commercial reasons.

The salary's for the commercial industry will be payed by the companies.


Clothes department



Clothes are, as well as food actually, a first necessity, but also a way to define your personality.

In that way we created a transparant market where the proceeds of the resources

are used to finance the creation of all the raw materials.

The clothing market itself will be a free market, but regulated by the people themselves.

We pay for our clothes with a part of our basic income.


Shelter department


In a free world everybody is guaranteed with shelter.

Only the housing market has disappeared.

Shelter belongs to the first necessities so it will be treated that way.

All real estate belongs to nobody, we can only rent for as long as we want.

We have a global housing department where is registered who occupies a building or part of a building.

When you want to move, you report that to the department who will show you all the opportunities for new housing.

When you've  made your choice you move.

The costs of housing will be at the same level as your insurance now is.

We pay for our housing with a part of our basic income.


Healthcare department


When you are in need for healthcare, you won't have to pay anything.

With a part of our basic income , we've realized that we don't have to charge anything to the patient anymore.

Our healthcare is financed by our basic income.

We've managed to create a network of healthcare where everyone is able to use it.

Everything that has anything to do with the healthcare industry is a non profit market.


Energy department


We only use clean energy. It's there so we use it.

We pay for our energy with a part of our basic income.

The energy market is a non profit market.

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