From idealism to realism


The time is right, the moment is here,

where you can choose for a world that offers every individual the opportunity to be free.

A world with no boundaries, only the respect for the freedom of others en the surroundings.

That’s what we together are going to achieve.


A free world.


A world where every individual can live its life in freedom,

with respect for the freedom of others and the surroundings.


A dream that becomes reality because together we will make this happen.

A road which we walk together, that will make sure,

that we as humanity finally will create what we know is our birthright.


Be able to be who we choose to be.


Nowadays we live in a world where freedom is a luxury, not a fact of life.

The rich and powerful make us believe that they got our best interest at heart.

Unfortunately, reality is completely different.

The rich and powerfull only enrich themselves at the expense of humanity and nature.

The greater part of humanity is trying to survive, if they survive.

Poverty is growing and the wealth of our earth is distributed among less people.


We’re not gonna take this anymore.


We, the greater part of humanity, demand our right to be free.

We’re gonna take matters in our own hands.

We’re going to create a world that forfills this promise.

We offer humanity an opportunity to create a world 

 where everybody profits from the wealth of this world.


Sign up for a free world